Thursday, September 10, 2009

Solar Energy Education

There is a annual festival that celebrates the river, conservation, art, and music, next weekend close to my home.  I was planning on attending, to go on a river cleanup.  But, I got an email a couple nights ago asking me to take on a lead volunteer role of a booth for an "environmental club".  My cousin and I will be creating a booth for educating chilren and adults about solar power with some hands-on activities.
I am excited for the opportunity and greatful that I was chosen to take on this responsibility. However, there is a little problem. 
I don't know anything about solar power! 
I have been told I will have a solar oven and some toys - without instructions.  I get them tommorrow. 
I'll have a week to figure it all out.  A week.
I've done some internet research and have some fun ideas...but still...what the hell am I supposed to do when I am asked to explain solar power?   I'm going to try to squueze in a little self-education this week, but I have a full courseload this semester, 3 clubs I'm involved in, and the Student government.  Doesn't leave much extra time.
So, anyone have any ideas or recommendations? 
Smile and act deaf? 
I know I can do that!
Seriously, I could use some ideas here!

Access to medical care

Just when I think I've nearly seen it all...

I've lost pretty much all the confidence I have in medical doctors. (never had much anyway)
About 2 months ago I went to my monthly appt. with my primary care doc of 5 years. I had to go every month to get a refill on the prescription I take for ADD.  Most docs wouldn't make you do this, but apparently mine has been in a little trouble with the state before, so he requires a monthly visit for controlled substances.  It's inconvenient, but it is even more inconvenient for me to try to do my schoolwork without it.  It helps that I like to drive and I enjoy a scenic roadtrip every now and then, and views on the drive there can be gorgeous on a bright, sunny day.  That day I was working at my internship 1 hour way, so it made for quite a long drive.  It could've been quite a scenic drive,  along the river, but it was a rainy day.
 My doc's office is on the other side of a draw bridge, and that day the bridge was raised for barge traffic.  I wasn't too worried about being late, because from my doc's office windows is a perfect view of the river and bridge.  To make a long story somewhat shorter, I arrived 15 minutes late and was told I would have to re-schedule.  After such a long drive in the rain, and having to wait 25 minutes on a bridge...I got a little upset.  I'm not one to enjoy the spotlight, or to cause a scene, but the tears of anger started welling up.  After pleading my case with the receptionist, I made the next appt. but upon leaving I was so mad and simply said "I won't be back."  The receptionist heard me and said "I'll tell doc."
I left and got back to my house, 20 minutes away. I immediately called my former doc to make an appointment.  He is in the same practice, but at another location.  At that time I was told I was fired from the practice.  Disbelief.  Confusion.  Crazy.  But, I got over it. 
I made an appt. with another local doc.  Everything seemed to be going great at this appt, that is, until he left the exam room to call my doc to verify my medication.  I could hear his conversation in the other room, and it seemed like any other.  Then he comes back in the room.  His posture and expression was changed, and he says, "I don't want you for a patient.  Your a problem and I have enough problems already."  To say I was shocked, is putting it mildly.  I didn't even know what the hell to say!  I just said, "what are you talking about?"  He says, "I talked to doc_ and he says your nothing but trouble.  I don't need any more trouble. You can just leave.  I'll give your money back."  I said, "what makes me trouble..I don't understand."  He says, "you've been late 4 times in a row to your appointments, and I don't need that. "  I just said, "Whatever.  Maybe the trouble is his girls in the office."  His eyes grew wide, but he didn't say anything else, he already said enough and couldn't turn back now!  As I was walking out, I did ask him if he talked to the doc himself.  He said yes.  I find it a little hard to believe, but whatever.  (And no, I wasn't late 4 times)
As I left, I was completely shocked, betrayed, humiliated, and I was determined to raise hell!  I couldn't believe this was happening to me.  My family doc of 5 years, betraying my trust like that was unthinkable, but it happened.  I could see if I was a junkie or hypocondriac, but I'm easy.  I go to an appt. so the doc can walk in, sit down, write a script, and send me on my way, like he has for the last 3 or so years.
I do have my complaints written, I but I have yet to submit them to the state and medical associations.  I've had other things to worry about lately. 
I've been a little leary (to say the least) of finding another doc, but school has started back up and I have realized that I need the meds.  I can see a big difference in my performance, without them.
So I picked a new doc in my ppo.  His name was familiar from a previous ER visit, and he was one of the only ones in the area that was board certified.  I took a chance....

Let me tell you...I have never had an experience like this in my life.  
I pull up at this guys office.  I see a truck parked off in an area by itself.  The doc's, I figured.  Then I see the license plates; JC S LUV.  Above the plate was the back window of the camper shell with a big picture of and american flag and eagle.  All I could do was laugh.  I had a funny feeling about this one...
I walk through the door of this office, rather, I walk through the door into the twilight zone.  The walls of his office are covered in news articles and handwritten comments.  The most extreme christian conservative right wing shit I have ever seen in my entire life!  Obama is killing people!  Drugs, Alcohol, and Smoking is evil!  Pictures of fetus's and embryo's.  The man makes his own collage's of news clippings, adds his thoughts, pastes it on poster board and covers the walls.  In the 20 minutes I sat there, I realized this man had to have a 20 year collection going on. 
The newest was on display next to the counter.  About Obama and health care...He's killing people don't you know?  This was some of the best comedy I have seen in a long time.  Probably ever, actually.  Absolutely Incredible.  It harkened me back to when I worked in the hole at the prison.  This is shit the "mental" inmates did to pass time in their cells.
And this man actually has patients?  Apparently not enough, cuz I know it had to be 80 degrees in there, easy.   I was sweating and it wasn't because I was a sinner bowing before a shrine to the Lord.  No, the thermostat was set a little to high.
So this was my strike #2.  or is it #3?  I'm thinking... to hell with physicians.  Anyway, Drugs are evil!  Maybe it's time for me to go all-nat-ur-al.  To Hell with this craziness... Maybe I should ditch my major and go for biology.   Call me Dr. Left.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Just a short note..

If you want to get a lot of views to your new site, blog, etc. ...write the word scientology, or a form of it, on the page. The page views will start immediately and add up fast!

ps I'm not crazy and I'm not those of you who think I should be.

The plague

Everybody FREAK OUT!
The Swine Flu is coming to get you!
A case reported here. 2 cases there. WTF?
Why must the media do this to people?

What the people that are freakin' out apparently don't understand is...
It would be great if it was just that 1 kid in your kids school that the paper is telling you about, but it is everywhere.

I have the flu right now. Hmmm...
Wonder where I got it?
My son.
Where did he get it?
a classmate.
A week before the the first case was reported in his school district.
Imagine that!

Before this year I usually would have went to the doc and got an antiviral, hoping to keep the symptoms and duration to a minumum. But there's no way in hell I'm goin' now!
I am not gonna be that headline.
"1st case of SWINE FLU in the County" "Case of H1N1 Reported at College"
Nope, not me. I'll let someone else have those honors.

Same thing earlier in the year. I was sick with the flu. On the 2nd day of being sick, the shit started flying. "Swine flu spreading in the US!"
What did I do?
Called my doc and canceled my appointment.
No way in hell was I gonna go!
It's just the flu!
That's my point.
The media is scaring the shit out of people. And not just the healthy ones.
They are creating a whole new problem within this "PANDEMIC".
It makes me wonder how many people are dying cause of the fear of being that "ONE"?
(and by the way, I won't let it go that far.)
And on a positive note... it might not even be H1N1.
I'll never know, will I?
And I prefer to keep it that way.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Denial kills...

I've been thinking about writing on this blog for quite a while, as I said before.
So, what got me started?
I was on twitter catching up with some environmental happenings and news by some of the e-friends. I stumbled on a link to an article in a San Francisco Newspaper about the government moving forward on the issue of declaring CO2 a dangerous pollutant.
Initially, I read the article with an unbiased view, not really thinking, just absorbing. But then I get to the end and....I guess since Bush left office his devotees must have found a new place to hang out and gab, and I walked right into it. Anyway, I was absolutely astounded that these people are so desirous about getting pleasure out of today, that they are blind to a prosperous vision of tommorrow. Maybe it's the love of breathing smog that is blinding their vision... C'mon, does it take a they wouldn't believe a rocket scientist...
What could I say? What was the point. I had to say something so it came out like this...
"I understand the economic upheavel that comes along with having to deal with the obvious, but I also understand that my young son would prefer to have food, water, and shelter in his future, not the unregulated pollution that is slowly taking away his future ability to survive."

It amazes me how this world could be such a better place if we could all just get along,
Working towards a common goal.
Forget the conspiracy theories, forget the attitudes. and to hell with the economy...
Think about yourself and your own family and ask "what kind of future do I want for my family?"
Not many people would choose suffering, starving, dehydration and homelessness. Yet so many people are doing just that...spreadin' the word....Global warming is a conspiracy, Government is against the people.
We've heard all the nonsense before. Some people just haven't realized, the times, they are a changing! Maybe they do realize it and want to go back to before "Clean Water and Clean Air"
"Sure, throw your trash in the river, its good fertilizer for the fish." "Burnin' coal is smart!"

For real... We are seriously gonna be so screwed if people don't wake the hell up!

My advice...Warn your children now! Let them know who is destroying their future. And how.
Let them know they aren't to blame, that their elders have already destroyed their lives for them.
Tell them who is killing the plants and animals, using up our natural resources, and why they will never get to see many of the wonders of nature.
You can finish it up with a thought that could save the world...

Learn to live for tommorrow, not just for today.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Why can't we all just get along?

I've had this blog for quite a while and haven't used it. I guess I've been waiting for some inspiration.
I'd like to thank the conservatives and scientologists for giving me that inspiration.

Ignoring their voices, I was gliding through life actually having some faith in humanity and our educational system (ok, only a tiny bit).

Reading 2 news articles is all it took.
They ruined it. Their comments...
Really, I can only take so much stupidity.

I'll leave the latter group alone, but the conservatives... sorry but I don't think that I can help myself. Sometimes people just need a little education and awareness to see the error of their ways and/or thinking.
And by the way...this isn't going to be just another political blog.
I'm not even going to give it a label. Nope, my mind wanders too much to actually have a particular focus for this blog.

I'm just an observer. And a thinker. And a learner. Ambiguous.

A good thing to keep in mind...
Expectation = Frustration.