Friday, September 4, 2009

Denial kills...

I've been thinking about writing on this blog for quite a while, as I said before.
So, what got me started?
I was on twitter catching up with some environmental happenings and news by some of the e-friends. I stumbled on a link to an article in a San Francisco Newspaper about the government moving forward on the issue of declaring CO2 a dangerous pollutant.
Initially, I read the article with an unbiased view, not really thinking, just absorbing. But then I get to the end and....I guess since Bush left office his devotees must have found a new place to hang out and gab, and I walked right into it. Anyway, I was absolutely astounded that these people are so desirous about getting pleasure out of today, that they are blind to a prosperous vision of tommorrow. Maybe it's the love of breathing smog that is blinding their vision... C'mon, does it take a they wouldn't believe a rocket scientist...
What could I say? What was the point. I had to say something so it came out like this...
"I understand the economic upheavel that comes along with having to deal with the obvious, but I also understand that my young son would prefer to have food, water, and shelter in his future, not the unregulated pollution that is slowly taking away his future ability to survive."

It amazes me how this world could be such a better place if we could all just get along,
Working towards a common goal.
Forget the conspiracy theories, forget the attitudes. and to hell with the economy...
Think about yourself and your own family and ask "what kind of future do I want for my family?"
Not many people would choose suffering, starving, dehydration and homelessness. Yet so many people are doing just that...spreadin' the word....Global warming is a conspiracy, Government is against the people.
We've heard all the nonsense before. Some people just haven't realized, the times, they are a changing! Maybe they do realize it and want to go back to before "Clean Water and Clean Air"
"Sure, throw your trash in the river, its good fertilizer for the fish." "Burnin' coal is smart!"

For real... We are seriously gonna be so screwed if people don't wake the hell up!

My advice...Warn your children now! Let them know who is destroying their future. And how.
Let them know they aren't to blame, that their elders have already destroyed their lives for them.
Tell them who is killing the plants and animals, using up our natural resources, and why they will never get to see many of the wonders of nature.
You can finish it up with a thought that could save the world...

Learn to live for tommorrow, not just for today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post. Short sighted folks always forget their history.